NicCheck® I

NicCheck I range of color chart

NicCheck I Rapid Urine Test (FDA Cleared & CLIA Waived)

NicCheck I is indicated for the semi-quantitative detection of nicotine and/or its metabolites in urine as an aid in the verification of smoking status. A semi-quantitative determination of nicotine consumption can be estimated based on the color intensity of the reaction found on the NicCheck I test strips. Since it has been established that tobacco consumption is one of the most significant causes of death and disease and that nicotine has been identified as the substance in tobacco that causes addiction, NicCheck I provides a reliable indicator to the physician relative to the patient’s potential risk level associated with these diseases and conditions. NicCheck is FDA cleared and has been granted a CLIA Waived status.

NicCheck has been cleared for distribution by the FDA.

Sensitivity and specificity of the test average about 98% for both measurements. NicCheck has been assigned a CPT code so that insurance companies can reimburse doctors and clinics and has a “CLIA Waived” status. Reimbursement information is available on our website. NicCheck measures nicotine and approximately a dozen metabolites of nicotine of which cotinine is the usually the one of most interest. Cotinine is detectable because of its long half-life of ∼16–30 hours, depending on a person’s metabolism. Our strip has the capability of being as sensitive as other rapid test detecting 200 ng/ml of cotinine. This is achieved by measuring the cumulative result of all of the nicotine metabolites in the sample. 

Nicotine consumption can be measured via this FDA cleared, CLIA waived, one of a kind test.

Whether clients are using vaping or other e-cigarettes, combustible tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, pipes), smokeless tobacco or nicotine replacement medications, nicotine consumption can be measured via this FDA cleared, CLIA waived, one of a kind test.